When you obtain commercial general liability insurance, you can go a long way toward protecting your business from unexpected occurrences. When a court decides that your company was at fault for damage to an individual or property, it is highly likely that you will be liable for paying for the damage. Drivers are often required to have liability insurance to operate a motor vehicle, so that damage can be paid for if they cause an accident. However, businesses may or may not be required to have commercial general liability insurance, which depends on the state and specific business. However, general liability insurance can be an incredibly useful factor in protecting your business.
Why You Need Commercial General Liability Insurance
Commercial general liability insurance is generally used to help cover expenses that incur when your company causes an accident. While this doesn’t necessarily mean that the damage was intentional, you will likely still be held liable. General liability insurance can help to cover medical expenses, property damage, and many other things. For example, if someone trips on your property and injures themselves, your general liability insurance may be able to cover their medical expenses.
Protect Against Lawsuits
Lawsuits can arise due to liability disputes. When you obtain general liability insurance, you can protect against lawsuits. This can help to cover various defense costs or reparations. When you protect against various lawsuits, you can help to mitigate the likelihood of devastation to your business.
At Insurance Unlimited, you can obtain the appropriate insurance plan to protect your property. Commercial general liability insurance is often incredibly important in protecting your business. This is often very important for contractors and other small businesses. To learn more about the importance of commercial general liability insurance, contact us at Insurance Unlimited in Bozeman, MT today!
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